Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Continue Legal Battle over Winery Sale

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s divorce proceedings have now surpassed the duration of their actual marriage, with the prevalent issue being a disagreement over the sale of shares of their jointly owned winery. Pitt recently launched a lawsuit against Jolie following her decision to sell her share of the Chateau Mirabel winery to the Stoli Group. Pitt argues that both parties were required to agree to any sale and he had not granted consent. The case deepens as a judge requests a comprehensive document history surrounding the vineyard from Jolie, signaling this legal conflict is far from over.

Jolie Ordered to Release Documentation

According to E!, the actress has been instructed to disclose nearly a decade’s worth of paperwork. This includes all non-privileged documents, as well as a privilege log that provides specific details about all privileged documents. Essentially, Jolie must produce everything that isn’t legally privileged or protected by a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). For any documents shielded by privilege or an NDA, she has to provide the correlating paperwork that validates those protections.

Dispute over Non-Disclosure Agreement

Jolie’s refusal to sign an NDA proposed by Pitt has surfaced as a significant factor in this legal struggle. It’s noted that Jolie was previously open to selling her share of the winery to Pitt, but objected to the extensive constraints of the NDA he proposed. Consequently, she sold her stake to a third party, and this decision forms the crux of their ongoing legal dispute.

Ownership of Chateau Mirabel

Presently, Pitt maintains control of Chateau Mirabel while 10% of the Stoli Group’s ownership is placed in escrow by court order. This particular share was purportedly “sold” to Jolie by Pitt as a wedding gift for a token amount of one Euro, effectively making them equally invested in the winery. However, amidst these proceedings, Pitt is alleging that the nominal cost was not settled, thus seeking retraction of Jolie’s claim to this stake.

Next Steps

The court has directed Jolie’s legal representation to produce all the requested paperwork within a 60-day period. Following this, a rigorous analysis of the documents will be undertaken. Hence, it appears this legal struggle will yet persist for a considerable duration.

Wrapping Up

This ongoing legal battle between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie underlines the complexities often accompanying high-profile divorce proceedings. The resolution of this disruptive conflict, mired in legal technicalities and personal matters, is eagerly awaited by their global fanbase. For more updates on this and other entertainment news, head over to HitPlay.

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