Glen Powell Chose ‘Hidden Figures’ Despite Being Dead Broke

Career Challenges

Even though Powell’s earnings have increased due to his rising popularity, it has been a challenging journey. Powell discussed with McConaughey the challenges of choosing roles that aligned with his principles rather than those that offered better financial rewards. He aimed to make the right choices, even when he was in need of money.

I had a small role in Hidden Figures, but I had such a good feeling about that movie and what it would become. It’s that point in your career where you’re barely getting by. I think I made $35,000 on that movie, and it was the only movie I made that year. There’s a lot of things I could have done in terms of guest spots, but basically, I made a decision to use my old UT economics class, which is just supply and demand, and take supply out of it and hope demand would follow. Just letting the town know I’m not going to take those things that are the obvious choices that guys take at this moment in their career.

Reflections on Roles

Powell reflected on his minor role as John Glenn in the film Hidden Figures. Despite feeling that his performance was inadequate, the role was his only work that year, earning him $35,000. He chose this project to align with his values and hoped it would shape his career positively. Powell said:

Commitment to Values

Powell emphasized his commitment to choosing the right projects, even when financially strained. He stated:

That was the hardest part for me, because I was dead broke. But I remembered at that moment trying to be discerning and not go down the wrong path.

While different choices might not have significantly altered his career path, the decisions he made led him to his role in Top Gun: Maverick, establishing him as a prominent actor. Powell’s recent successes include Hit Man on Netflix, and his role in the forthcoming Twister sequel. Although he declined a part in the new Jurassic World film, financial struggles seem to be a thing of the past for Powell.

Wrapping Up

Glen Powell’s journey underscores the importance of sticking to one’s values in a tumultuous industry. To keep up with more entertainment news, visit HitPlay.

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