Selena Gomez Delighted by Best Actress Win at Cannes

Selena Gomez Wins Best Actress Award at Cannes Film Festival

The American singer and actress Selena Gomez expressed her joy upon receiving the Best Actress Award at the renowned Cannes Film Festival. Gomez heard the news over a phone call from fellow actress Zoe Saldaña while Gomez was spending time with friends in New York City. Together with actresses Karla Sofia Gascón and Adriana Paz, the award was given to the ensemble cast of the film “Emilia Pérez”.

The Announcement Call

It was Saturday, May 25, when Gomez, aged 31, received the exciting news from Saldaña. They, alongside Gascón and Paz, had all been collectively recognized with the Best Actress honor for their roles in “Emilia Pérez”. Meanwhile, Gascón was present in France to personally accept the award during the festival’s closing ceremony. The film also saw glory in winning the coveted Jury Prize.

Gomez’s Gratitude towards Cannes Film Festival

Selena Gomez took to her Instagram story to express her gratitude to the Cannes Film Festival, and all the board members involved in the decision-making. She thanked them for recognizing her performance and the collaborative efforts of her co-stars.

Jury’s Reason for Group Honor

“Emilia Pérez”, a musical narrative about a drug lord seeking a lawyer’s help for gender confirmation surgery, captivated the Cannes 2024 jury, led by president Greta Gerwig. Gerwig elaborated that the jury was unable to single out one actor from the film as the chemistry and interplay between the characters was commendably strong and evenly distributed. The jury believed that the actresses’ performances were tied together in such a way that separating them would have compromised the essence of the film.

Support from Fellow Juror, Lily Gladstone

Lily Gladstone, another member of the festival jury and an actress herself, substantiated the decision during the award presentation. She paralleled their collective performances to a harmony, where the strength lies in the sum of its parts rather than the individual notes. With this sentiment, the jury felt compelled to present the Best Actress award to all four leading ladies.

Acclaim for “Emilia Pérez”

Directed by Jacques Audiard, “Emilia Pérez” premiered at the French festival a week prior to the award ceremony. The film was met with a prolonged standing ovation that resulted in an emotional moment for Gomez and her fellow cast members.

Acting in Spanish: A Challenging Aspect for Gomez

Despite her overwhelming success, Gomez confessed to confronting some hurdles during her acting process. In an interview published by AP on May 22, she expressed her dissatisfaction with her Spanish-language performance in the film. However, co-star Saldaña confidently supported Gomez’s performance, highlighting her dedication and commendable emotional delivery on screen.

Wrapping Up

The Cannes Film Festival has historically been a platform that recognizes and appreciates cinematic performances on an international level. By recognizing the collective contribution of the leading women of “Emilia Pérez”, the jury has once again highlighted the importance of harmony and collaboration in storytelling. For more insights and updates from the world of cinema, check out HitPlay.

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