Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Plemons Share ‘Very Tense’ Scene in ‘Civil War’

Acclaimed actress Kirsten Dunst recently addressed her challenging on-screen experience with her spouse, Jesse Plemons, in the forthcoming dystopian movie titled “Civil War”. Set in the future, the plot imagines a scenario where California and Texas have seceded from the United States to form a separatist group known as the “Western Forces”, vying to overthrow the ruling government. Dunst’s character, Lee, is a prominent photojournalist traversing the war-torn nation to document the conflict.

Intense Confrontation Marking a Turning Point

Dunst’s character has a nerve-racking encounter with Plemons’ character, an unnamed soldier, who aims a gun at Lee and her team, threatening their lives. Commenting on this intense scene in a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, Dunst remarked that the experience was incredibly tense and emotional for everyone involved. She described it as a key moment that represents a turning point in the movie.

Plemons Replaces Original Cast Member

Interestingly, Plemons was not initially cast for this role. He joined the cast late, replacing an actor who had stepped down. It was Dunst who suggested her husband for this part. She playfully remarked in a chat with Marie Claire that director Alex Garland was lucky to have Plemons, who she considered to be one of the best in the industry.

The Couple’s Shared Onscreen History

Dunst and Plemons’ rapport isn’t only limited to their shared household, but also extends to professional arenas. They first met on the set of the TV series “Fargo” in 2015 and later got engaged in 2017. The couple shares two sons. Prior to “Civil War”, they acted together in the 2021 film “The Power of The Dog”, resulting in Academy Award nominations for their performances in supporting roles.

Preparing for the Pivotal Scene

Dunst shed some light on how she and Plemons prepared for the critical scene in “Civil War”. It took two days of consecutive shooting to complete the scene. Dunst highlighted that they utilized the time when other cast members were filming their scenes to improvise and prepare for their confrontation scene.

Working Together Despite Being Together

Despite being a married couple, Dunst and Plemons keep their professional life separate when on set. According to Dunst, they fell in love creatively before being romantically involved, leading to an unusual way of working together. They respect each other’s space while filming, and the on-set silence isn’t a reflection of their personal space. Dunst expressed her fondness for working with Plemons and appreciated the trust they share.

Wrapping Up

Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons, besides being successful actors, maintain a healthy professional relationship by respecting each other’s space on the set. This unique method assists them in delivering outstanding performances, like in the upcoming “Civil War”. Plemons’ role, portrayed as a challenging one, adds more anticipation to the movie. For more exciting updates, visit HitPlay.

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