Sydney Sweeney Reveals ‘Euphoria’ Season 3 Details Are Guarded Like Marvel Movie Secrets

Sydney Sweeney recently likened discussing the show’s forthcoming season to Marvel film projects’ high-level confidentiality. Speaking as part of the “Sydney Sweeney in Conversation with Josh Horowitz” event at The 92nd Street Y in New York City, Ms. Sweeney was asked about the anticipated third season of Euphoria. She humorously compared the series to Marvel’s notorious penchant for secrecy and said she’s looking forward to returning to the set and exploring her character, Cassie Howard, more deeply.

Euphoria Season 3 Details

Sydney Sweeney noted that any information about Euphoria Season 3 was highly classified and quickly went viral if leaked. This drew striking similarities with Marvel’s ethos of releasing minimal information about its projects before the official premiere date. Previous reports suggested that season 3 filming was to begin in 2024, with speculation that it would center on Zendaya’s character, Rue, as she navigates a corrupt, challenging world. Fans, however, should expect a long wait, as the new installment is not anticipated until 2025.

Excitement over Cassie Howard’s Character

Cassie’s character, portrayed by Sydney, was another topic of discussion at the event. Sydney expressed joy at portraying Cassie and shared her excitement about returning to the set. She showered praise on the character, stating that Cassie was a dream to play and describing how she’s cherished bringing the character’s fascinating life to screen. Moreover, Ms. Sweeney felt incredibly fortunate to interpret such an intricate character at such a young age.

Euphoria: A Unique Workplace

The actress also reminisced about the distinctive atmosphere on the Euphoria set. Amid her varied career, she finds Euphoria unique because of the longevity of the production, with each season spanning eight to ten months. In addition to the production length, the depth of the characters and their resonance with the audience sets Euphoria apart from other work she’s done.

Remarks on Madame Web

Away from Euphoria, Sydney spoke about her participation in Sony’s Madame Web, where she debuted her Marvel character, Julia Cornwall. Despite the film’s tepid reviews, Ms. Sweeney saw it as a career stepping stone. She credited it with establishing a solid professional relationship with Sony, leading to other opportunities.

Wrapping Up

Despite the highs and lows of her career, Sydney Sweeney reaffirmed her commitment to Euphoria’s third season, expressing her eagerness to return to Cassie Howard’s complex world. With production anticipated to begin in 2024, fans are anxious to see what new dimensions Sweeney brings to her role. To stay up-to-date on Euphoria and other entertainment news, visit HitPlay.

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