The tale of friendship and camaraderie stands tall as the narrative of the big-budget musical “Wicked” unfolds, starring the dynamic duo Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo. Amidst the excitement of its release and the subsequent Oscars chatter, a familiar yet disruptive force emerged, one that often plagues female-led projects: rumors and drama. The speculation this time centered around a supposed financial disparity between the two stars, with some reports mistakenly touting a vast pay gap. However, both the actresses and Universal Pictures have addressed and quashed these falsehoods, ensuring that the story of “Wicked” remains one of unity and mutual support.
Shedding Light on the Rumor Mill
The buzz began with reports, such as those disseminated by the New York Post, suggesting that Ariana Grande pocketed $15 million for her role as Glinda, while Cynthia Erivo, who portrays the central character Elphaba, allegedly received just $1 million. The disparity seemed especially odd given that Elphaba is the leading role while Glinda’s is more of a supporting part. Additionally, the same outlets claimed that Michelle Yeoh and Jeff Goldblum earned $2 million each for their smaller roles as Madame Morrible and The Wizard.
The notion of such drastic pay differences stirred disbelief. Cynthia Erivo, though less known than her co-stars at the time, possesses a notable repertoire of acclaimed performances and awards to her name. Moreover, during the film’s promotion, Grande and Erivo continually showcased a unified front, emphasizing their friendship and admiration for each other’s craft. This made it even more puzzling why they would perpetuate a divisive narrative.
Setting the Record Straight
Universal Pictures, responding to the swirling rumors, set the record straight. A spokesperson from the studio confirmed to THR that “reports of pay disparity between Cynthia and Ariana are completely false and based on internet fodder.” Both actresses received equal compensation for their work in “Wicked,” which effectively squashes any notion of tension or inequality.
With the air cleared, the focus shifts back to the film’s positive reception and the two actresses’ glowing camaraderie. Critics have praised “Wicked” for its captivating performances and stunning production values, fueling Oscars buzz that both Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo are potential contenders.
Closing Credits
The spectacle surrounding “Wicked” continues as the film enjoys a successful run at the box office and enters awards season glistening with accolades. For fans eagerly awaiting more, a sequel is already in the works, ensuring that the enchanting world of Oz remains alive and well on the big screen. The saga of “Wicked” teaches us a valuable lesson: rather than falling prey to divisive narratives, it’s far more meaningful to celebrate the excellent synergy and talent that Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo bring to their roles. So, let’s embrace this magical journey and keep rooting for our favorite witches as they soar to new heights.