Tom Cruise Wanted to Play Rorschach in Snyder’s Watchmen

In a recent revelation on Josh Horowitz’s Happy Sad Confused podcast, director Zack Snyder opened up about some of the casting choices and rumors from his 2009 film “Watchmen.” The discussion shed light on a surprising potential casting that could have significantly altered the film’s dynamics.

Snyder, discussing various actors rumored to have been considered for roles, shared an intriguing behind-the-scenes story involving Tom Cruise. Originally, Snyder had envisioned Cruise for the role of Ozymandias, but Cruise himself was more interested in portraying Rorschach, a darker, more complex character. Reflecting on that time, it’s fascinating to consider Tom Cruise, who was then dealing with a tumultuous phase in his career, taking on the role of Rorschach. This character, notorious for his brutal vigilante justice, could have been a stark departure from Cruise’s usual roles, potentially aligning with his real-life controversies including his public criticisms of psychiatry and his high-profile personal life.

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However, despite Cruise’s interest, Jackie Earle Haley was already set to play Rorschach and delivered what many consider a standout performance. Snyder acknowledged that Cruise could have been capable of taking on the role but ultimately felt that Haley was the right choice. This decision was influenced by concerns that Cruise’s high profile might disrupt the film’s immersive experience, a sentiment Snyder expressed in a past interview with The L.A. Times.

Wrapping Up

This peek into what could have been offers fans a glimpse into the complex decisions that shape a film. For more insights and discussions on the ever-evolving world of movies, visit

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