Greedfall 2 Developers Strike Over Poor Conditions and Inequality

Workers at Spiders Studio stand against management with call for strike.


Half of Spiders Studio employees demand change after years of grievances, pushing management to address their concerns with a call for strike action.


  • Grievances: Workers allege instability, mismanagement, lack of transparency, and gender inequality.
  • Strike: 44 of 95 employees sign an open letter and call for a strike.
  • Demands: Greater transparency, gender parity, increased wages, and better working conditions.
  • Previous Actions: This is the second open letter following a prior strike on January 19.
  • Artistic Feature: The document includes cartoons of characters from Spiders’ games.

Plot Beats

  • Initial Grievances: Issues span several years, worsening with the current head of the company.
  • Second Open Letter: Workers detail their complaints and outline their demands in a 20-page document.
  • Strike Call: Scheduled to start on September 2, featuring pickets at company offices and an online protest.

Cast and Crew

Not applicable.

Buzz and Highlights

  • Significant: The open letter highlights ongoing industry issues like mismanagement and inequality.
  • Context: Other game studios like Bethesda and World of Warcraft workers formed unions recently, emphasizing growing labor movements in the gaming industry.

Production Notes

  • Background: Spiders is known for their work on Greedfall 2, a studio dealing with management and labor disputes for years.
  • Union Involvement: French union Stjv helps publicize the grievances, indicating formal support mechanisms for workers.

Closing Credits

  • Upcoming: Strike to begin on September 2.
  • Call to Action: Workers hope to push management to act in the best interests of employees and the company.
A cartoon from Spiders studio’s open letter to their employers.

For more details, visit the open letter released by French union Stjv.

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