Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice: Michael Keaton is STOKED for sequel

Michael Keaton is making a lively return in Beetlejuice 2, sharing his enthusiasm about revisiting the iconic role with Empire.

Michael Keaton is making a lively return in Beetlejuice 2, sharing his enthusiasm about revisiting the iconic role with Empire.

“Beetlejuice is the most fun you can have working. It’s so great,” he affirmed, adding that he and director Tim Burton are adhering to the original 1988 film’s ethos. An example of this is their use of practical effects, as Keaton shared, “There’s a woman in the waiting room for the afterlife literally with a fishing line tugging on the tail of a cat to make it move.”

First Images of Winona Ryder on the Set of Beetlejuice Sequel

Keaton and Burton had been contemplating a Beetlejuice sequel for years. They both agreed, “if it happens, it has to be done as close to the way we made it the first time.

Making stuff up, improvising, but literally handmade stuff like people creating things with their hands.” This commitment is evident in Keaton’s excitement, claiming it’s “the most fun I’ve had working on a movie in I can’t tell you how long.”

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Warner Bros. is set to release Beetlejuice 2 on September 6, 2024. As we previously reported, the film reunites original stars Winona Ryder and Catherine O’Hara, introduces Justin Theroux, Monica Bellucci, and Willem Dafoe, and also brings Jenna Ortega onboard.

The intent of the cast and crew to maintain the original’s creative spark bodes well for Beetlejuice 2, offering a promising sequel that aims to pay fitting homage to the beloved original.

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