Modders Restore Elden Ring Boss to Original Strength post Nerf

The latest update to Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree DLC has sparked some controversy among its dedicated player base. Specifically, the final boss, Promised Consort Radahn, received a significant nerf that has left some fans yearning for the good old days of grueling difficulty. FromSoftware’s patch adjusted Radahn’s damage output, stamina drain, and attack range, aiming to make the final showdown slightly less brutal.

However, this move isn’t universally celebrated. A segment of the fandom insists that the challenge Radahn posed was part of the game’s charm. Enterprising players have taken matters into their own hands, creating mods that restore Radahn to his former, more formidable glory. These mods are quickly gaining traction among those who relish the unbridled difficulty that FromSoft games are known for.

Tweaking the Beast

The modding community has been particularly resourceful in addressing these changes. One of the more notable mods is Pre-Nerf Promised Consort Radahn, a project designed to reinstate Radahn’s original mechanics while making him compatible with the latest game patches. For those who prefer the masochistic joy of near-impossible boss fights, this mod promises to satisfy that craving.

Another mod, Better Promised Consort Radahn, offers even more than just a simple rollback. “Post patch significantly slows down his tempo,” modder Interloper explains. This mod maintains Radahn’s original aggression and speed but removes the bugs that unfairly tipped the battle in his favor, including a notorious glitch where Radahn would phase through a wall and inexplicably die. As an added bonus, this mod also introduces a terrain rework, flattening the battlefield to avoid frustrating entanglements, and adds sound cues to help players better anticipate Radahn’s more chaotic attacks.

Community Reactions

The gaming community’s reaction to these changes and subsequent mods has been predictably mixed. Some players appreciate the developers’ attempt to balance the game while others view it as an unwanted concession to less skilled players. For many, the essence of FromSoftware’s games lies in their unyielding difficulty and the exhilarating sense of accomplishment that follows a hard-fought victory. Mods like DLC Radahn Prenerf cater specifically to these hardcore players, offering various versions to either completely undo the patch or selectively retain nerfs that address particularly irksome mechanics.

One particularly divisive change involved Radahn’s cross-attack combo, a series of moves that were almost impossible to dodge unless the player resorted to very specific tactics. The modder behind DLC Radahn Prenerf, known as MiquellaTheUnalloyed, opts to keep this nerf in place while reversing other aspects of the patch. This compromise aims to retain the challenging nature of the boss fight without descending into an exercise in futility.

Closing Credits

In the ever-evolving landscape of Elden Ring, player-driven initiatives like these mods ensure that the game remains a living, breathing entity, continually adapting to meet the desires of its community. Whether you’re a die-hard fan clinging to the unforgiving difficulty or a newcomer appreciating a slightly gentler curve, the choice is now in your hands. As always in the world of Elden Ring, the only certainty is that, one way or another, you’re going to die a lot—just hopefully in a way that feels a little more rewarding.

Keep an eye out for more updates and potential new mods as the game’s community continues to evolve and adapt to FromSoftware’s changes.

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