SDCC: In a Violent Nature 2 Poster Confirms Gory Sequel

A sequel announcement that’s sure to thrill slasher fans.


IFC Films has unveiled the poster for “In a Violent Nature 2,” promoting the follow-up to the indie horror hit. The original film’s unique perspective drew in audiences seeking fresh, gory thrills, and the sequel promises more spine-chilling scenes.


  • Sequel Announcement: IFC Films released the promotional poster for “In a Violent Nature 2.”
  • Original Appeal: Unique narrative from the killer’s perspective; praised for its innovative kills.
  • Box Office: The first film grossed $4.4 million in theaters.
  • Key Personnel:
    • Chris Nash returns as the writer.
    • Development overseen by Emily Gotto, Nicholas Lazo, and Samuel Zimmerman.
    • Producers are Peter Kuplowsky and Shannon Hanmer.
  • Unknown Details: Director and release date for the sequel remain unconfirmed.

Plot Beats

The original “In a Violent Nature” follows the resurrected killer Johnny as he seeks revenge and retrieval of a stolen locket. His quest leads to methodical slayings of vacationing teens and anyone else in his way.

Cast and Crew

  • Writer and Director: Chris Nash
  • Main Cast:
    • Ry Barrett
    • Andrea Pavlovic
    • Cameron Love
    • Reece Presley
    • Liam Leone
    • Charlotte Creaghan
    • Lea Rose Sebastianis
    • Sam Roulston
    • Alexander Oliver
    • Lauren Taylor
  • Producers: Peter Kuplowsky and Shannon Hanmer

Buzz and Highlights

The sequel to “In a Violent Nature” is highly anticipated due to the original film’s innovative approach and exceptional gore effects. Its unique killer-centric narrative has drawn comparisons to arthouse cinema, which piqued the interest of horror enthusiasts.

Production Notes

  • Original Film Details:
  • Film’s Themes: A violent revenge quest, resurrected horror, 60-year-old crime legacy.

Closing Credits

Stay tuned for more information on “In a Violent Nature 2” as it develops. Check out the new poster and prepare for more intense horror from Johnny’s gruesome saga.

In A Violent Nature 2 Poster Unveils Chilling Horror Sequel

(Photo Credit: IFC Films)

Source: Variety

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