All good things must come to an end, but not without one last hurrah! Before our beloved monster slayer hangs up his silver sword, Netflix gifts us with a glimpse of the enchanting third season.
Our fearless trio, Geralt (the man of steel himself), Ciri (little miss possessed), and Yennefer (the sorceress extraordinaire) are back in action, picking up the pieces from last season’s cliffhanger at Kaer Morhen. And who can forget the tantalizing tease of the Wild Hunt looming in the shadows?

Buckle up, because this season takes us on a magical ride to Aretuza, a fortress turned academy where Geralt hopes to hone Ciri’s mysterious powers. But, as they say, you can never escape politics and corruption, even in a magical stronghold.
And worry not, dear fans! Our favorite melody maker, Jaskier, returns with his lute, alongside the fiery Triss Merigold, the enchanting Tissaia de Vries, and the redeemed Nilfgaardian warrior, Cahir. In other words, the gang’s all here!
Mark your calendars and set your alarms because The Witcher Season 3 arrives on Netflix in two tantalizing volumes: Volume 1 on June 29 and Volume 2 on July 27. So grab your potions, sharpen your blades, and prepare for one last bewitching journey!