Counter-Strike 2 Update Adds Game-Changing Crates to Dust 2

Big Changes in Counter-Strike 2: New Crates and Boosts


Counter-Strike 2 players will find new crates outside the CT spawn, offering a strategic advantage, especially near bombsite A.


The update’s significance:

  • New Crates: Positioned just outside the counter-terrorist spawn.
  • Tactical Advantage: Players can easily jump from CT to catwalk using these crates.
  • Improved Ease: Eliminates the need for teammate assistance to reach catwalk.
  • Balancing Act: Helps counter-terrorists defend better.

Plot Beats

  • Crate Location: Just below the catwalk over bombsite A.
  • Imparting Ease: Previously required help or a laborious route.
  • Strategic Benefit: Simplifies movement even with smoke grenades in play.

Buzz and Highlights

This change is pivotal as Dust 2’s balance has always leaned terrorist-sided. The introduction of these crates allows counter-terrorists to position more defensively with fewer resources, potentially shifting game dynamics and strategies.

Production Notes

The update seems to aim at balancing the gameplay further. Historically, players have found Dust 2 to favor terrorists, and these crates can help even the odds by easing CT rotations and vision blocks.

Closing Credits

Testing out these changes? Check out the full update here.

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