Tom Holland’s Journey: 2 Months, Then 6 Months Sober and Beyond

Tom Holland revealed that he faced challenges with alcoholism in the past. He shares how his journey towards a sober lifestyle began and why he chose to embrace sobriety.

Tom Holland’s Sobriety Journey

Tom Holland appeared on British author Jay Shetty’s podcast On Purpose, discussing his path to sobriety and its positive impact on his life. He began with the challenge of Dry January, a popular initiative in the UK that involves abstaining from alcohol for 31 days.

I just wanted to do Dry January. And all I could think about was having a drink. It was all I could think about. I was waking up thinking about it. I was checking the clock, when’s it 12? And it just really scared me. I just was like, wow, maybe I have a little bit of an alcohol thing. So I sort of decided to punish myself and say, I’ll do February as well, I’ll do two months off. If I can do two months off, then I can prove to myself I don’t have a problem. Two months go by and I was still really struggling. I felt like I couldn’t be social. I felt like I couldn’t go to the pub and have a lime soda. I couldn’t go out for dinner. I was really, really struggling. And I started to really worry that maybe I had an alcohol problem.

Holland reflects on how the two-month challenge made him realize how difficult it was to avoid alcohol in social settings. This prompted further self-examination of his relationship with alcohol.

Six Months Sober and Beyond

As his two-month milestone approached its end, Holland extended his goal, planning to stay sober until his birthday in June. He observed significant positive changes in his well-being:

I said to myself, if I can do six months without alcohol, then I can prove to myself that I don’t have a problem. And by the time I had got to June 1st, I was the happiest I’d ever been in my life. I could sleep better. I could handle problems better. Things that would go wrong on set that would normally set me off, I could take in my stride. I had so much, such better mental clarity. I felt healthier. I felt fitter. And I just sort of said to myself, like, why am I enslaved to this drink? Why am I so obsessed by the idea of having this drink? And I would look back and recognize that I would go to events for work and be like, I can’t enjoy myself until I’ve had a few beers.

Tom Holland emphasized that his decision to quit drinking was internally motivated and not due to any external pressure. He debunked rumors that his sobriety was due to a meltdown on the set of The Crowded Room, clarifying his commitment started well before the project.

Adjusting to a Sober Lifestyle

Holland also shared how he has incorporated healthier alternatives to alcohol, such as beverages with electrolytes and carbohydrates to aid recovery. He appreciated the support from his friends and expressed happiness about experiencing life sober.

I would drink and drink and drink and drink. And then you would just reach that moment where you’re like, wow, I shouldn’t have had that last beer. And you wake up the next day and you have a terrible headache and you’re suffering. […] I love seeing my friends on the golf course at 8am in the morning, feeling fresh and ready to go. […] And so yeah, I’m over the moon to be sober. I love it.

Future Projects

Tom Holland has a busy schedule ahead, including a return to theater for the West End production of Romeo & Juliet and the anticipation of his future as Peter Parker in a fourth Spider-Man movie. Despite pre-production delays due to the 2023 WGA Writers Strike, there’s ongoing interest and speculation about the direction of the next Spider-Man film.

Wrapping Up

Tom Holland’s ongoing journey with sobriety began with a two-month challenge that ultimately led to a year of positive life changes. His willingness to share this journey highlights his commitment to his well-being and serves as an inspiration to others.

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