The Substance Gets Cannes’ Longest 2024 Ovation

The 2024 year is proving to be an impactful one for the horror movie industry. Five months in, an exceptional horror movie directed by French filmmaker Coralie Fargeat has already had a major impact. The film, titled “The Substance,” received the longest-standing ovation recorded to date at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival.

Awards and Recognitions

A report by Deadline reveals that “The Substance” had a significant impact at Cannes, earning a standing ovation that lasted for 13 minutes. The prestigious gathering saw an outpouring of admiration for the thrilling storyline and powerful performances by the film’s cast, namely Demi Moore, Margaret Qualley, and Dennis Quaid. The film, described as a body horror with a feminist edge, has been well embraced by the audience.

Breakdown of the Plot

“The Substance” centers on a revolutionary product that promises to transform users into the best versions of themselves. However, the transformation comes with unforeseen and horrifying consequences. Despite starting its premiere screening 20 minutes late, the audience’s enthusiasm was palpable, culminating in rhythmic applause and cheers when the film ended.

Substance Cast Response

Upon witnessing the excellent reception, the cast and director expressed their delight. However, the ultimate celebration happened online, with Demi Moore expressing her delight by saying, “Thank you! Thank you!” on Deadline Hollywood’s official X account.

Critical Analysis and Synopsis

“The Substance” prompts users to generate another version of themselves. The premise is an intriguing one, prompting the user to share time between the old and new versions of themselves. However, going off balance leads to despair, a theme that has been well explored in the film. Demi Moore and Margaret Qualley portray the same character at different ages, with their metamorphosis playing an integral part in the narrative.

Global Acquisition and Upcoming Release

Worldwide streaming platform Mubi acquired global rights to “The Substance.” This acquisition marked a crucial milestone for the streaming service as it expands its film distribution under new Distribution Chief Mark Boxer. The anticipation and excellent reception for “The Substance” indicate promising prospects for Mubi and the film industry.

Movies That Got The Longest Standing Ovation in Cannes History

The Cannes Film Festival is renowned for its passionate audience, often expressing their admiration through lengthy standing ovations. These ovations have become a measure of a film’s impact and reception. One of the most notable records was set by Guillermo del Toro’s “Pan’s Labyrinth” in 2006, which received a standing ovation lasting approximately 22 minutes. Another significant record was for “Fahrenheit 9/11,” Michael Moore’s controversial documentary, which garnered a 20-minute ovation in 2004. In recent years, the Palme d’Or-winning “Parasite” by Bong Joon-ho also received an overwhelming response, with an eight-minute ovation in 2019. These prolonged applauses not only highlight the festival’s enthusiastic atmosphere but also mark moments of cinematic history, celebrating films that resonate deeply with audiences. See them all here.

Wrapping Up

With its captivating narrative, star-studded cast, and widespread critical acclaim, “The Substance” is expected to be a significant release in 2024. An official release date has yet to be announced. Fans await it with bated breath, their anticipation exacerbated by the Cannes reception. In the waiting period, viewers can watch director Coralie Fargeat’s earlier film, “Revenge.” For more horror movie options, check out the list on HitPlay.

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