Steve Buscemi Assaulted in New York City

Actor Steve Buscemi, known for his roles in “Fargo” and “Boardwalk Empire,” was assaulted in Mid-Town Manhattan this past Wednesday. The incident occurred in broad daylight and left Buscemi with bruises, swelling, and bleeding around his left eye. He was quickly attended to and taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

The assault appears to be a random act of violence, and Buscemi’s publicist released a statement affirming that despite the frightening ordeal, the actor is recovering: “He is ok and appreciates everyone’s well wishes.”

This unfortunate event was first brought to public attention by the New York Post. The New York Police Department, which released a statement on Wednesday shortly after the incident, confirmed that the victim mentioned in their initial report was indeed Buscemi. However, they have yet to make any arrests, and their investigation into the assault continues.

Interestingly, this attack on Buscemi comes just a little over a month after his “Boardwalk Empire” co-star Michael Stuhlbarg was similarly targeted. Stuhlbarg was struck in the back of the neck with a rock while walking in Central Park. Unlike Buscemi’s attacker, Stuhlbarg’s assailant was chased down by the actor and subsequently arrested outside the park.

These back-to-back incidents involving cast members from “Boardwalk Empire” have raised concerns about the safety of public figures in New York City’s open spaces.

Wrapping Up

As the investigation into Steve Buscemi’s assault continues, the film and television community and his fans are hopeful for his swift recovery and safety.

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