When Are We Gonna See Cal Kestis in Live-Action Star Wars?

Cal Kestis, the protagonist in the popular video game series Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and its sequel Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, has gained popularity within the Star Wars community. Yet, despite this popularity, Kestis and his crew have yet to make an appearance in a live-action or animated Star Wars series. Considering the character’s potential, the question arises: When can fans expect to see Cal Kestis on the big or small screen?

Sector One: Cal Kestis in Star Wars Jedi Series

The first game featuring Cal Kestis, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, turns five this year, followed by its sequel Star Wars Jedi: Survivor recently celebrating its first anniversary. The character Cal Kestis and his crew, the Mantis, have solidified themselves in Star Wars canon, expanding beyond gaming with the release of the book Star Wars Jedi: Battle Scars by Sam Maggs last year and featuring the characters in the LEGO Star Wars 25th Anniversary celebration video.

Sector Two: The Talented Cameron Monaghan

Cameron Monaghan, best known for his performance on the TV Show “Gotham,” lends his acting talent to the character of Cal Kestis. He doesn’t just offer his voice to the character, but also provides motion capture for a more lifelike representation. Monaghan’s impressive acting chops have drawn praise and sets a high bar for any possible live-action iteration of the character.

Sector Three: Kestis’s Perfect Position in the Star Wars Timeline

Cal Kestis’s timeline places him in a prime position to be included in current and upcoming Star Wars projects. Being only 13 at the time of Order 66, the same age as other fan-favorite characters like Ahsoka Tano, Ezra Bridger, and the Skywalker twins, Kestis can easily be incorporated into stories set during the original trilogy.

Sector Four: Cal Kestis and the Hidden Path Connection

In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, we see the characters Cere and Eno Cordova working with the Hidden Path, the same faction featured in the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi series. This connection opens up many possibilities for Cal to interact with live-action characters.

Sector Five: Implications of the Star Wars Jedi Games

Previous games in the Star Wars Jedi series have already demonstrated crossover potential. Both Saw Gerrera and Darth Vader, characters from the main Star Wars saga, have appeared in the games. This suggests that we could see more overlap with familiar faces in the future.

Wrapping Up

Still, without official confirmation from Disney, all these possibilities remain speculation. Whether or not fans will get to see Cal Kestis in the flesh—or rather, in live-action—remains up in the air. However, the character’s integration with main storyline actors appears promising for a possible future crossover. For more news and updates on this, stay tuned to HitPlay.

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